The reporting process for the 2023 reporting period has started! Please submit your reports, immediately, as soon as they are available

Registration Number Surname Firstname Primary working place Authority Monitoring Conducted Restriction Full Information
SARAS-A-355324 Bogacheva Inga MGI mediator LTD View
SARAS-A-178804 Bolkvadze Archil Individually Statutory PIE View
SARAS-A-225019 Borec Ilia Individually Statutory PIE View
SARAS-A-223994 Bubashvili Aleksi Audit Consulting Group L.T.D View
SARAS-A-821384 Buchukuri Elisabed Individually Statutory PIE, I View
SARAS-A-317552 Buchukuri Marta Individually Statutory PIE View
SARAS-A-807255 Bukia Tamaz Individually Non-Statutory Yes PIE, I, II View
SARAS-A-237748 Bulauri Tsiuri LTD ,,EXPERT-AUDITI,, View
SARAS-A-691189 Bulavrishvili Tamaz Individually Non-Statutory Yes PIE, I, II View
SARAS-A-537093 Buquri Tsiala Individually Statutory PIE View

Record Per Page: 443